Have you ever heard “Talk is Cheap” or “You Have To Walk The Walk?”
When I’m training new agents I always say “People Don’t Care What You Know, Until They Know That You Care”.
These days a lot of people say a lot of things.
Sometimes they say things they don’t mean. Sometimes they do actually mean what they say.
They might say they care about your business, or they care about your satisfaction, or they care that you have a positive experience.
They might say they care about your stress, anxiety or fears when it comes to moving, or even something else you’re dealing with in life.
Many say it. And some even mean it.
But here’s the reality I’ve learned after many years in my business, and after getting feedback from so many past clients, their families.
What I’ve learned is … It’s just not enough to SAY you care about someone.
It’s a great start and it’s very important, but it’s not enough to stop there.
It’s just not enough to SAY that you understand them.
It’s a great start to understand or comprehend what they explain to you about their feelings, expectations, fears & apprehensions, and things like that.
But it’s not enough to stop there either.
Here’s the secret that eludes so many people.
Like I said earlier “Talk is Cheap” & “You Have To Walk The Walk?”
So, it’s not what you say … it’s how you make them FEEL!
People might (or might not) remember what you told them).
People might (or might not) remember what you showed them.
But people never forget how you made them FEEL!
I’ve had extensive training in sales, and of course as a Certified Negotiator extensive training in negotiating.
Whenever I mentor new Realtors I always remind them that “SELLING IS NOT TELLING”.
And the art to selling AND negotiating is not lying to people.
It’s not saying things to manipulate them into doing things.
It’s not even about standing firm, knowing your worth or value, and refusing to budge until the other side budges first.
The secret is understanding the other person(s), caring about what’s important to them, and then doing what is necessary so that they FEEL UNDERSTOOD and FEEL that you genuinely care.
When I mentor new Realtors or try to help anyone build their business, or rapport & relationships with people, I remind them WHAT makes people do things.
What makes people do ANYTHING?
The brain appears to run our daily lives.
When it comes to buying something or making a big decision the brain becomes analytical.
Face it, whether you’re buying a house, a car, an expensive new dress, a new designer suit, a new big screen tv, booking a winter vacation, or … yes, even deciding if you’re going to stay with that significant other you just met, you start analyzing.
Almost like making a list you start thinking/picturing 2 columns: Pros & Cons, or why I should vs. why I shouldn’t.
But ultimately, when you buy that house that was more than your budget, or that expensive new dress you really didn’t need, or that big screen tv with the extra features you won’t use (and the price tag higher than you wanted to spend), the all-inclusive resort vs. the cruise or staying with family, or give your “person” a 2nd chance, it always comes down to this.
The analytical part of you came up with a much longer list of why you shouldn’t buy that item, or go to that destination, or give that person a 2nd chance.
But even those the analytical part of you gave you a million reasons NOT to do something, you did it anyway.
Because your gut told you to. Because you felt compelled to. Because you felt better doing it.
That my friends is EMOTION.
That my friends is proof that the mind is analytical but personal behaviour and decisions are always led by emotions whether we like it or not.
And since “FEELINGS” are emotions, I remind you of my message at the begging of this post.
Sometimes they say things they don’t mean.
Sometimes good people do actually mean what they say.
If you want people to value you as a professional service provider, or in a personal relationship, then …
If you’re thinking of moving and have questions, I’m always happy to chat with you.